Exercises For Torticollis
In our previous blog, we talked about what torticollis is and how chiropractic care can help. In this blog, we’re going to learn about some exercises that can help restore range of motion and reduce neck tension.
Tummy Time-Place your baby on their tummy for short periods several times a day. This helps to strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles, which can improve head control and reduce torticollis symptoms. If your baby is not a fan of tummy time, you can put them on your chest or use a yoga/exercise ball (babies tend to like the bouncing motion) while holding onto them from the back.
Guppy Stretch- The guppy stretch will allow for neck muscles to release tension. In this video, Dr. Sarah from Emerge Pediatric Therapy shows 3 ways you can do the Guppy Stretch at home with your baby!
Passive Range of Motion (PROM) exercises- Gently move your baby's head from side to side, stretching the tight muscles. Start with small movements and gradually increase the range of motion. Repeat several times a day.
Active Range of Motion (AROM) exercises- Encourage your baby to turn their head to the affected side by using toys, sounds, or your voice. Make sure to position the toys or objects of interest in their field of vision on the affected side to encourage turning.
Football Hold- Lay your baby with stomach facing down on your forearm with head up over the elbow while the feet hang over your hands. The side of tightness should be placed on the elbow. For example, if your babies’ torticollis is on the right, the right side of the neck should be resting on your elbow.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.
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